
090–091: Witnessing Even When Things Hurt So Badly

This past week, the wonderful Mormon mental, spiritual, and sex therapist Natasha Helfer Parker was scheduled to defend herself in a membership council called by the stake presidency in her former stake in Kansas (even though she had moved to Salt Lake City sixteen months earlier). Six friends, including Jana Spangler and Jody England Hansen, […]

090–091: Witnessing Even When Things Hurt So Badly Read More »

086: Religion is a Technology: And Jesus Was a Saboteur

This is a fascinating podcast episode that talks about religion and Mormonism in an unfamiliar yet insightful way. Our guide is Latter-day Faith podcast favorite Stephen Carter who draws parallels between the physical technologies we use all the time, including to this listen to this podcast, and “social technologies” that, like the other, are set

086: Religion is a Technology: And Jesus Was a Saboteur Read More »

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