Thursday, January 16th
Sunday, January 19th
7-9 Mountain Time
Hosts: Dan, Terri and Mark
Participants: YOU!
New Years season is fraught. It can mark new beginnings with fresh energy and purpose. But for so many of us who have been making and trying to keep resolutions, it can quickly become a downer as our determination and drive flounders and our old physical and mental habits and patterns reassert their power, leaving us feeling like a failure. For this reason, some folks simply throw out the whole idea of resolution and goal-setting, which is very understandable!
But can this time of year be a boon for all of us if we refocus just a bit, becoming a time for renewal for our body, mind, and soul? We naturally want to (and it’s good to) want to change and grow, but are we going about it in the wrong way? How do we act without falling into age-old traps?
In this month’s Latter-day Faith firesides, let’s share ways to avoid seasons of “failure” and instead receive the boon that this season can bring. Let’s share our past experiences with goals and resolutions and the role they have played in their journeys, but also how they view such things now and how they approach New Years differently.
Click below to sign up! We look forward to seeing you there!