184: How I Stay

In this episode, LDF host Dan Wotherspoon shares something he delivered at the most recent Salt Lake City Sunstone Symposium. He spoke as part of a panel in a long-running Sunstone session titled, “Why I Stay.” Instead of giving the “why” of his decision to stay actively involved in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Mormon life, he spoke about “how” he manages it. Ultimately, it is because he has figured out the way to be himself at church and in other LDS gatherings. But it was a long and rocky journey from faith crash to rebuilding to confidence, which he shares in this episode. 

We hope you will listen!

1 thought on “184: How I Stay”

  1. Great to hear your perspectives again, Dan. I’ve been absent for a while, but has any thought been placed to uploading your content to YouTube?

    Hopefully, you could monetize your content.

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