181: Temple Recommend Interviews, Worthiness, Self-Assessment

In this wonderful conversation, Latter-day Faith board member Mark Crego talks with Chris Kimball, the author of Living on the Inside of the Edge: A Survival Guide (By Common Consent Press, 2023) about his experiences with the LDS temple recommend processes. Their focus is on the notion of “worthiness,” which most Latter-day Saints view as the purpose of the recommend interview. Should it be? Are their other ways to understand it that do not automatically place the bishop in the judgment seat of another’s ability to worship in the temple? What might that look like? 

During his time as an LDS bishop, Chris became increasingly uncomfortable in these interviews–so much so that he was traumatized by it and no longer seeks a recommend. Listen to his story and more about his choices in this regard. (He also writes about it at length in his wonderful book noted above.)

Mark and Chris focus on different notions about worthiness, as well as tools within LDS scripture and teaching for assessing one’s own “fit” for the temple. Also, how might we approach the matter of our own sense of “worthiness” in the eyes of God, as well as in the church, which are definitely not the same thing!

Listen in to this fantastic, expansive episode! 


Christian Kimball, Living on the Inside of the Edge: A Survival Guide (By Common Consent Press, 2023)

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