203: Navigating the Doctrine and Covenants in Sunday School

In this episode, Mark CregoDan Wotherspoon, and Terri Petersen explore how to approach the Doctrine and Covenants in this year’s Come Follow Me curriculum. Acknowledging both the inspiring and troubling aspects of these revelations and church history, they discuss how to navigate our faith journey while engaging in the complex and difficult texts.

Sometimes verses in the D&C can be triggering. What does it mean when we speak of “the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth?” When we read “by mine own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same,” do we really think it means that they are the same words?  How do we handle the scriptures on polygamy? On the other hand, we can find verses that uplift and sanctify us, like from sections 88 or 93, where our view of god and humans is expanded to a shared eternal life. 

This conversation explores the issues in a way that helps us understand the context and method of scriptures like the Doctrine and Covenants, and provides some tools that we can use to engage more meaningfully in this year’s Sunday School classes, and in our personal exploration of scripture. Together, Dan, Terri, and Mark encourage approachtes that allow for faith and critical engagement, making space for personal discernment and growth. 

Check it out!

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