197: Meet David Hayward, “The Naked Pastor”

In this terrific episode, Terri Petersen interviews someone that we guess many of you know: David Hayward, known best online as “The Naked Pastor.” David is an artist, blogger, leader of a community called “The Lasting Supper,” and has many books that are collections of his thoughts and cartoons.

During their conversation, we are privileged to get an overview of David’s faith journey, his decision to leave formal ministry and step into his current roles, and the focus of his spirituality now. The bulk of the discussion focuses on faith “deconstruction,” framing it in terms of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying (and grief), 1) Denial; 2) Anger; 3) Bargaining; 4) Depression; and 5) Acceptance. A brief but very interesting segment draws parallels between a faith crash and people being confronted with their addiction. When we first sense we must deal with it, we will stiffen up, get defensive, hold on with all we have, come up with excuses, etc. before finally yielding to the fact that we thought we had our faith and/or church life together but really didn’t. And then the great stuff can begin.

Listen in! You’ll be glad you did!


The Naked Pastor website

“The Lasting Supper” website

David Hayward, The Lasting Supper: Letters for Deconstruction (2016)

See other titles by David Hayward here

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