178: Life as a Divorced Mom in the LDS Church—One Woman’s Experience

In this wonderful episode, Faith Journey Foundation board member and great friend of the show Terri Petersen speaks with her friend, Christy (pseudonym) about her church life as a active woman with children, who also happens to be divorced. As you can imagine, in a church that touts the vital importance of families, it is not always a comfortable experience when one’s family is now differently configured.

Christy shares powerfully about both her internal wrestlings with a change from the “plan” she had thought she’d follow for the rest of her life (and in the eternities), as well as the struggles the Church as an institution has in speaking to and including divorce women. 

She is a wise, articulate, open, and insightful soul, whose words here will pierce every person’s heart—man or woman, divorced or married. How should we speak to or interact with someone who is going through a divorce, or who already has one finalized? What should we say and NOT say or ask? How can we help them feel more included and welcomed in our wards? How might Primary and YM/YW leaders tailor what they say when children of divorced parents are in their classes? 

Can we learn to see these families as still whole, just different? What messaging do or should we give by the way we act around them? Might we learn to invite them to sit with us? Because of certain realities of men’s ministering to single women and their families, how can men still be involved with the children, modeling for them what gospel maturity looks like?

You will find discussions of all these matters, plus many others, in this episode. We highly recommend it to everyone. There is so much to learn, and in the specificity of Christy’s life, it somehow feels more universally applicable.

Listen in!

1 thought on “178: Life as a Divorced Mom in the LDS Church—One Woman’s Experience”

  1. Why the insistence on being both mom and dad?

    I’ve been a single dad for 13 years and have never felt the need to replace my childrens’ mother, or to fill her shoes.

    Yes, I have had to compensate for the ways that she came up short, but always as a father.

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