In this episode, the wonderful Margaret Toscano joins Latter-day Faith podcast host Dan Wotherspoon for a conversation about scripture in general, and the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in particular. They discuss reasons why we should worry far, far less than Latter-day Saints normally do about whether the characters in the Bible were real people and if the events described therein actually happened. Margaret shares about her deep love for scripture, some of the ways she studies it, and the importance of our imaginations in our approach to it.
Dive in with them! It will provide a boost as we continue to study the Biblical text this year in Sunday School!

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Great discussion! I admit I cringed a little when the query, “Did it happen?” was described as the least interesting question. For me, the answer to that question sets the foundation for helping discover the writer’s intent. Is it to relay history? Is it to teach laws that must be obeyed? OR, is its purpose to tell the human story through myth in a way that gets us thinking about transformation and enlightenment in new and inspiring ways, as Joseph Campbell teaches? We cannot hope to know the writer’s intent if we don’t ask the ‘least interesting’ question. Sometimes I think we’re nervous about the question of veracity because we assume those asking can’t handle the answer. We presuppose she will reject the scriptures if the answer is ‘it’s myth.’ I suppose this happens. For me, the answers led me to dig deeper. My understanding is enhanced. For me, the question ‘did it happen?’ is both interesting and has value. I’ve recently witnessed people in positions of authority and influence telling others they are “asking the wrong questions.” It feels dismissive and condescending to the questioner. Similarly, describing a question as the least interesting one could ask can feel deflating to an honest seeker. If they are asking, it’s interesting to them. Perhaps that should be enough. Thanks for all your great work!